sexual stimulation

 Some men complain that they took 시알리스, but did not wait for the erection promised by the manufacturer. It should be remembered that the drug itself does not cause a surge of desire and is not a causative agent.

For those patients who have lost interest in sex, sildenafil will definitely not help. Pills were created for those who would like to have an intimate relationship, but cannot, and not for those who neither want nor can.

The drug works only after active sexual stimulation and in the presence of arousal.
Other drugs

If you do everything according to the instructions, but there is still no erection, then 시알리스 구입 is simply not your drug. In addition to sildenafil, pills such as Levitra and Cialis help against sexual dysfunction. Each medicine has its own disadvantages and advantages. Only by testing their action on yourself, you can understand which pills will work and which ones will not.
What to do if Viagra does not help?

Viagra helps to cope with sexual dysfunction for the vast majority of men. However, the drug will only work when it is taken correctly. It is important to follow a certain sequence of use, maintain a time interval, and also adhere to other rules for use.

Does not work if there is no desire

For all its merits, sildenafil is not a magic pill that will make a man look forward to the joy of the upcoming sexual contact.

If there is no excitation, the vessels of the penis, which have expanded under the influence of the drug, will not fill with blood. And without this, an erection will not come.

시알리스 구매 is a drug that allows you to achieve an erection in a natural way, i.e. when there is a desire to have sex.

Viagra is not so harmless

Time of action

Sildenafil has a certain period of action. After that, the active substance is excreted from the body and its work stops.

Each man has his own time period, but it is usually said that Viagra acts within 4-6 hours. But during this period, the number of sexual contacts is not limited.

The drug allows not only the penis to become hard, but also reduces the recovery period after ejaculation.

In addition, it is important to remember that it takes time for the remedy to begin to act. As a rule, after 40-50 minutes after swallowing the pill, you can begin to take action. This is enough for sildenafil to enter the circulatory system.

Romantic dinner and alcohol canceled

Some patients do not carefully read the instructions for the drug and drink the pill while eating or drinking. As a result, the rate of absorption of the active substance slows down. The expected effect does not occur, and fatty foods or alcohol are to blame. Do not forget that alcohol can also increase the manifestation of side effects.

Didn't work the first time, will help the second.

Do not rush things and wait for the effect after the first use of Viagra. Some patients felt the effect of the drug only after several tablets, which were naturally taken at different times.

The standard dose of the drug is 100 mg and can be varied. Sildenafil can be used daily and only after 3-4 uses a man easily achieves an erection.

The only thing to remember is that you can not use Viagra more than once a day.

VIAGRA-BARNAUL.RF — delivery to Barnaul, Biysk, Rubtsovsk, Novoaltaysk, Zarinsk


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